The first date

Jen and I first met the same way everyone else does… through online dating! We connected online and ended up chatting every day for quite some time until I finally got the nerve to ask her out.  I thought a simple coffee date would be good to start and I knew she had just got a new apartment not far from me so I suggested that we meet at a coffee shop within walking distance for both of us. She agreed and the day before the coffee date I decided to check in and confirm.  Jen replied saying that she was out at Regina Beach and had no way to get into the city for the date.

By this point, I had become quite good at the online dating thing and I knew that this was one of two things: 1) This was a polite way of saying, “I thought about it and I decided that I’m really not interested.” or 2) She’s trying to tell me, “I really am out at Regina Beach and I really don’t have a way to get into Regina for the date.”

There was only one way to find out for sure. I decided to take a chance and either get shot down hard or secure a date.  My reply was, “No problem, I can just come out to Regina Beach and we can meet at the Beach Bar.”  Jen was surprised but she agreed. The date went well and we definitely clicked.

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